Learn the processes & requirements for getting your residence hall assignment.
Housing & Residence Life
Your home away from home.
We want you to have a comfortable, safe, and welcoming place to live while you attend ECSU. That’s just what you’ll find in our on-campus housing. Residence halls at ECSU put food, classes, amenities, and your campus community within walking distance, helping you get the most out of your time at ECSU.
Frequently Asked Questions
The residence halls will close for the following breaks and all students must vacate
the halls on or before the scheduled closing day and time:
Fall Recess – Residence Halls will remain open - Monday, October 14, 2024, and Tuesday, October
15, 2024.
Veterans Day - Residence halls will remain open - Monday, November 11, 2024.
Thanksgiving -Residence Halls will close on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, promptly at 12 noon. Halls will reopen on Sunday, December 1, 2024, at 9:00 am. The Transportation Request deadline is Friday, November 15, 2024.
Winter Break – We ask that you vacate the halls as soon as you complete your last exam. Residence Halls will close on Friday, December 13, 2024, at 6:00 pm. The halls will close on Saturday, December 14, 2024, at 2:00 pm, for those participating in commencement. Halls will reopen on Sunday, January 12, 2025, at 9:00 am. The Transportation Request deadline is Friday, December 3, 2024.
Spring Break 2025 – We ask that you vacate the halls as soon as you complete your last exam. Residence Halls will close on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 10:00am. The halls will reopen on Sunday, March 23, 2025, at 9:00 am. The Transportation Request deadline is Friday, February 21, 2025.
Travel Requests:
Please use the following link to secure travel requests for transportation to the
Norfolk Airport, Norfolk Train Station, or the Norfolk Bus Station. Travel requests
can be made now, or by the designated deadlines.
Please follow the specific instructions on the form. Student Transportation Request
Please be advised that drivers will not transport students before 6:00 am or after 10:00 pm; therefore, make your reservations accordingly.
Should you encounter issues, contact the Housing Office at 252-335-3761 or email ecsuhousing@ecsu.edu
Secure your transportation immediately and make your families aware of the closing dates.
To avoid charges to your student account:
Remove all personal belongings from your room and or common areas of your suite (this includes kitchens, living rooms, hallways, etc.).
- Take out all trash. This includes removing food from refrigerators and kitchen cabinets.
- Turn in your books. HRL staff will not be responsible for turning in your books.
- Turn in all keys that were issued to you by HRL staff (room keys, suite door keys, front door keys).
Should you run into challenges, please seek the Student Assistance Fund using the steps below.
- Access the Student Portal, then scroll down.
- Click Project Success Emergency Fund Assistance (under Student Wellness).
- Create an account and complete the application.
Housing will be provided for Session II (5 Weeks): Thursday, June 22 – Friday, July 28
Cleared students may check into the residence hall on Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Students must check out of the residence halls on Saturday, July 29, 2023
2023 Summer Rates: Spaces are limited for summer
- University Suites Single: $1,180.00
- University Suites: $968.00
Request Summer School Housing here: https://forms.office.com/r/ag0c6m0Gun
The deadline to request summer school Housing is April 14, 2023
For more information, email Ms. Kellogg
You may apply and pay for Housing after you have been accepted to the University. The Housing Application fee is non-refundable. The application is available in the Housing Portal.
No, You may pay by the following methods:
- Online via the Housing portal
- In person to the University Cashier. The Cashier does not accept cash. The forms of payment accepted are credit card, check and money order.
- Send check or money order via mail (Campus Box 939)
The beds in University Suites, University Towers and Viking Tower are regular twin-sized beds. Beds in Viking Village singles are full sized. Beds in Viking Village doubles are regular twin-size beds.
For your convenience, we have partnered with Dormify to provide an easy, affordable way to purchase Twin XL bedding, dorm storage solutions, and everything else you'll need (and want) for your new home away from home. Please visit ecsu.dormroom.com to get move-in day ready and create your dream dorm!
The Housing Application Fee is $150 and nonrefundable.
Room rates are listed here: Residence Halls (ecsu.edu)
No, currently we do not have an on-campus requirement.
Yes, all boarding students are required to have a meal plan. New First Time Freshmen are required to have the 19-meal plan. All other students may select from a 10, 15, 19 meal plans or a 120 or 160 block meal plan. For more information, please visit Dining & Meal Plans (ecsu.edu)
If assigned to a double room, you may be assigned a roommate at any time during the semester.
Housing will make students aware of when or if they may change rooms. If moving to a higher priced room, students must be able to afford the upcharge. It is the responsibility of the student to check with Student Accounts and/or Financial Aid to see if they can afford the cost. If a room change is made after refunds have been processed, the student must be able to pay the cost up front.
Yes, see below for current classification assignments:
- University Suites: Seniors & Juniors
- University Towers: New Freshmen
- Viking Tower: Sophomores, Freshmen, New Freshmen
- Viking Village: Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores
No, Housing does not provide microwaves or refrigerators. Students may supply their own microwave (1000 watts or less) and refrigerator (up to 5 cubic feet).
Students will be assigned to the same room for the fall and spring semesters. Students may request a room change during the designated room change period that takes place at the beginning of each semester.
Students are required to take personal belongings home. Facilities will be performing cleaning and sanitizing in the residence halls. Larger items such as refrigerators and microwaves may be left at the student’s discretion. The University is not responsible for the loss, theft and or damage to personal belongings.
All mail and packages must be addressed using the following format:
Student's First and Last NameECSU Dormitory Name
Items not properly addressed may cause a delay in processing or be returned to the sender.
Students are required to leave the residence halls during:
- Winter Break
- Spring Break
- The end of the spring semester
- The end of summer sessions
See the Community Director of your residence hall.
The hiring process for Resident Assistants’ begins during the spring semester. There will be mandatory interest meetings. Be on the lookout for information via email and social media. Please express your interest to your Community Director.
Our residence halls are staffed 24 hours day. Our staff consist of:
- Community Directors
- Resident Assistants’
- Residential Security Officers
Please take the time to review the information in the links provided below, as well as share this with parents and or guardians. Also, please be mindful the University is not responsible for the loss of your personal belongings, for any reason. Please refer to section #10 on your Housing Contract:
10. Loss/Damage to Personal Property (a) The university shall not under any circumstances assume responsibility for the loss, damage or theft of personal property belonging to a Student. (b) Student may obtain personal property insurance to safeguard against loss or damage to his/her personal property. Personal property insurance applications are available through the Office of Housing & Residence Life (see the links below).
E-brochure Link: https://nssi.com/portal/elizabethcity
About NSSI Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnWK5kybQlc
Yes, all of our residence halls are co-ed.
Contact your residence hall staff (Community Director, RA or RSO).
Yes, you may drop Housing at any time; however, charges will apply based on the date you move out of your room.
Housing Cancellation Fees: Please refer to Policy 500.2.10.
- Students who cancel housing prior to the beginning of the semester will be charged a $100.00 cancellation charge, and the $150.00 application charge is non-refundable.
- Students who cancel housing on or before the end of the first week of classes will be charged 20% of the housing cost, a $100.00 cancellation charge, and the $150.00 application charge is non-refundable.
- Students who cancel housing after the first week of classes will be charged 50% of the housing cost for the next four weeks of the semester.
- Students who cancel housing after the first four weeks of classes will receive No refund.
- Students that are evicted from on campus housing will be responsible for payment of the entire semester.
- In the event of a student’s sudden death, Policy Number 500.4.2 in the University Policy Manual will take precedence.
Assignments are made based on date of payment. If your request is not granted it could be due to non-payment of the requested student. (It is best that you both pay at the same time). Also, your requested roommate must also request to be your roommate.
Pets are NOT allowed in the residence halls. However, we do provide accommodations to students with documentation.
Students interested in housing accommodations based on a medical, psychological, physical, or other disability-related impairment may submit their request to the Office of Student Accessibility & Testing https://www.ecsu.edu/student-life/accessibility.php or contact Karen Hinton, Director of Student Accessibility & Testing @ 252-335-3642 for more information.
Documentation Guidelines
To determine if a particular housing accommodation is necessary, the documentation provided should include the following:
- Description of disability or impairment.
- Information about the current functional impact of the condition or disability as it relates to the housing modification or accommodation requested.
- Recommendation from the professional explaining the need for the accommodation as it relates to a disability/impairment.
- If requesting an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), information about how the ESA is necessary to alleviate the impact of a disability or reduce the impact of a specific set of symptoms.