Dear Viking Family,

I write today to share with you that I have accepted another chancellorship in the UNC System. This decision has not been easy, but I believe it is essential to acknowledge the opportunities and allow the institution to move forward as you embark on the next Strategic Plan and focus on ECSU reaching new heights. 

I have been deeply honored to serve this esteemed institution and its remarkable community of students, faculty, and staff during my tenure. I am proud of the many accomplishments we have achieved together. I want to sincerely thank the ECSU community for their support and friendship for the past six years. Working alongside dedicated individuals who share the mindset of Accountability, Commitment, and Excellence has been a privilege.

As I prepare to depart, I am confident that the university is well-positioned for continued growth and success. I am grateful for the trust placed in me and the opportunities I have had to shape this esteemed university's trajectory. Over the next few weeks, I will work closely with my leadership team, trustees, and stakeholders to ensure a seamless transition. I encourage everyone to remain committed to our vision, keep pushing boundaries, and strive for excellence in all you do. Remember to celebrate your achievements and continue to work together to ensure ECSU remains a place of distinction and pride.  

Again, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve as the Chancellor of Elizabeth City State University. Viking Pride is indeed alive and well, and I will always cherish the memories of my time here. I am confident that ECSU will thrive and prosper in the years to come as you build upon the strong foundation we established together.