SACSCOC Accreditation

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

What is a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)?

As part of the requirements for SACSCOC accreditation reaffirmation (Standard 7.2), all universities are required to develop a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that focuses on improving specific student learning outcomes and/or student success.
The QEP is an integral component of the reaffirmation of accreditation process and is derived from an institution’s ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation processes.  It reflects and affirms a commitment to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue that the institution considers important for the improvement of student learning outcomes and/or student success.
The QEP must encompass the following:
  1. A topic identified through the university’s ongoing, comprehensive planning and evaluation processes
  2. Have broad-based support of institutional constituencies;
  3. Focus on improving specific student learning outcomes and/or student success;
  4. Commit resources to initiate, implement and complete the QEP; and
  5. Include a plan to assess achievement.

SACSCOC Quality Enhancement Plan Document

When the University is anticipating a closure, it must prepare to notify students, faculty, and staff who may become impacted by this closure. The SACSCOC Substantive Change policy discusses two items which may be warranted when an institution approves a closure. They are the teach-out plan and the teach-out agreement. While the teach-out agreement may not be necessary for a particular type of closure, the teach-out plan will be required for all closures. In this section, the difference between the two will be explained and the expectations of submission for each type of closure outlined. 


ECSU’s Quality Enhancement Plan:

Pathway to Success: From the Classroom to Career


Pathway to Success focuses on reimagining and redesigning career service offerings across campus.  Our QEP will forge a pathway to success for career readiness by linking classroom experience to practical application. The plan is expected to improve career readiness, with students better prepared for their future careers and/or graduate school. The learning modules under the QEP will equip students with skills that prepare them for their specific career trajectory, using both pedagogic and practical methods, and will ultimately enable them to successfully embark on their respective careers.

What was the process for the identification of a topic for the QEP?
ECSU’s QEP topic was identified through a comprehensive and consultative process. A review of existing data narrowed the search for a topic to three areas:

  1. Student engagement.
  2. Communications.
  3. Student support.

The decision to address career readiness emanated from campus-wide surveys and several university-wide committees, cutting across all constituencies (administrators, faculty, staff, students, and alumni).  The results revealed that students desired additional support services to enhance their readiness to obtain a job, pursue a career and/or undertake graduate school upon completion of their program of study.   

Which campus Office will be responsible for implementing the QEP?
ECSU’s QEP is interdivisional and will be housed in the Division of Student Affairs, under the same leadership as the Career Development Center. The Center will be staffed with Career Advisors and an Assistant Director of Employer Relations and Special Projects. There will be a QEP Council that will consist of stakeholders across campus. Implementation of the QEP will be a collaborative effort among the Career Development Center, and academic programs (e.g., deans, chairs, and faculty), and other units under the Division of Student Affairs.

Full Quality Enhancement Plan for ECSU


Executive Director of Career and Professional Development & QEP
Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs (and Dean of Students)
Vice Provost
Professor, Department of Business, Accounting, and Sport Management
Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs | Student Success 
Director of Assessment and Accreditation
Director of Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC)
The Employer Relations Council has been established to:
  • Provide employment opportunities to students
  • Participate in mock interviews
  • Participate in common career activities such as those illustrated in Pathway to Success table
  • Provide feedback on effectiveness of career readiness efforts and activities
  • Uses its network to increase and create employment opportunities for ECSU students
  • Serve as industry advisors for career-readiness common activities
Employer Relations Council has representation from:
  • 2 Municipal/Government Representatives
  • 2 Fortune (100, 500) Representatives
  •  2 Non-Profit Organizations
  • 1 Local Retailer
  • 2 Student Representatives
  • ECSU designated Small Business Technology Development Center