Division of Academic Affairs

Office of the Registrar

Welcome to the Office of

The Registrar

The major responsibility of the Office of the Registrar is to maintain accurate records of all students and to guard, interpret, and implement University regulations governing academic affairs. This office is also responsible for assisting all students from the time they enter the University, until and after they graduate or are no longer enrolled. 

More specifically, the Office of the Registrar must keep the scholastic records of all students in each department up-to-date. Methods, procedures, and policies must be constantly evaluated as it relates to their ability to meet the demands of the University.

The Office of the Registrar is supervised by the Department of Enrollment Management and as such, has a unique responsibility to the Division and the University. 


Academic Calendars

This calendar includes important dates for Students and Faculty relating to the Office of the Registrar.

Academic Advisement & Pre-Registration

All continuing students are required to participate in the "Pre-Registration" process. Pre-registration affords all enrolled students the opportunity of selecting courses early. Pre-registration requires a student to select courses and take care of tuition and fees, and any other financial obligations to the University, during a designated time period.


Final Exams

Spring 2024 Final Exam Schedule Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule

Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule

Final Examinations

  1. Final examinations are required in all courses and are held at the close of each semester and summer session. Both faculty and students are expected to adhere to the printed schedule of examinations. Modifications to a final examination schedule shall only be considered in emergency situations and shall only be allowed with the approval of the relevant instructor, department chairperson and dean.
  2. Students who are absent from a final examination, without an excuse, will receive a grade of "F" for the final examination.
  3. Students who are absent from a final examination and produce a satisfactory excuse that is approved by the department chairperson and the appropriate dean will receive a grade of "I - incomplete" for the course.

Deviations from the published schedule are not permitted without prior approval. Please refer to the ECSU Policy and Procedures Manual (Section 300.1.6) for further guidance.


Elizabeth City State University has obtained the services of National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree and enrollment verification. All requests for verifications will be referred to the National Student Clearinghouse.
Enrollment Verification
Current students can obtain a enrollment verification certificate by accessing Self Service Banner Account. 
  1. Login Self Service Banner.
  2. Click Student Records.
  3. Click NSC Enrollment Verification.
  4. Under Obtain an enrollment certificate. Choose current enrollment or all enrollment.
  5. Click on Obtain an enrollment certificate.
  6. The enrollment certificate will display as a PDF document. Click on the Printer icon to print the certificate.
  7. Select the Close command to close the certificate.
Degree Verification
Degree verifications are typically available approximately one month after the last day of exams for a graduating semester (fall and spring).
Third Party Degree Verification
The National Student Clearinghouse is our authorized agent for providing degree and enrollment verifications. Third parties requesting this information, please contact the National Student Clearinghouse at:
Phone: (703) 742-4200
Fax: (703) 742-4239
E-mail: degreeverify@studentclearinghouse.org
National Student Clearinghouse
2300 Dulles Station Boulevard
Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171
Contacting the Office of the Registrar will only result in a referral to the National Student Clearinghouse. If you are a current Elizabeth City State University student, or the National Student Clearinghouse is unavailable please contact our office.

Students who wish to withdraw from Elizabeth City State University should complete the university withdrawal process. Students completing this process will receive final grades of “WD” on their transcript for the semester withdrawn. This process is required if students are dropping all courses after the specified drop/add registration period. Please view the current Academic Calendar for the official deadline to complete a university withdrawal.

Please read and consider the IMPORTANT information below before submitting your Withdrawal from University form. After you have read the below information, to begin the university withdrawal process, complete the Withdrawal from University form

Still have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for Students and Faculty. If you still have a question, we're here to help. Contact our office today!

For More Information

218 Welcome Center
1704 Weeksville Road
Campus Box 953
Elizabeth City, NC 27909

Office Hours: M - F | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Carmen Wigfall

Associate Registrar

LaToya E. Jordan

Assistant Registrar

Jacqueline Briggs- Jackson

Student Services Specialist

Shatona Williams
