
The Department of Education offers undergraduate degrees through the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) and graduate degrees. Through the EPP, we recruit, retain, and prepare students for North Carolina teaching licensure. Our students are guided by faculty and assessed throughout the licensing process to ensure excellence and compliance with departmental, university, state, and national standards.
- Birth through Kindergarten (B-K)
- Elementary Education (K-6)
- Special Education (K-12)
- Master of Education in Elementary Education
- Master of School Administration
The Department of Education is fully accredited by the Council of Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) for all undergraduate programs.
Designed to finalize coursework necessary for completion of a teaching license, this program is designed for individuals with a bachelor's degree. The program may consist of subject area coursework, pedagogy coursework for the license sought and student teaching.
Bachelor degree;
Completed 24 hours of coursework in the requested licensure area or passed the North Carolina State Board of Education (NCSBE) required content area examination(s) for the requested licensure area;
Earned a grade point average of 2.8 on a four-point scale for formal admission to approved North Carolina EPPs; and
Meets all requirements established by the NCSBE, including completing pre service requirements prior to teaching.
More About Our Department
1. Meet the minimum admissions requirements
If you graduated high school after 1990, you must have completed the following high school courses and meet the academic performance thresholds below.
- 4 units of English
- 4 units of Mathematics
- Algebra I and II, geometry, and one unit beyond Algebra II,
- Algebra I and II, and two units beyond Algebra II, or
- Integrated Math I, II, and III, and one unit beyond Integrated Math III.
- 3 units of Science (Biological, Physical, and Laboratory Courses)
- 2 units of Social Studies
- 2 units of Foreign Language
Minimum GPA: 2.5 (weighted)
Note: The University of North Carolina System will not require SAT or ACT scores for undergraduate admissions through fall 2024.
Graduates of Cooperative Innovative High Schools in North Carolina
If you graduated from a Cooperative Innovative (or Early College) High School in North Carolina with an Associate’s degree, you are likely eligible to be admitted either as a freshman or a transfer student. Please consult the resources below to determine your eligibility. If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office with any questions.
List of Cooperative Innovative High Schools
Transfer admissions requirements
2. Submit an online application
Apply online and submit a $30 non-refundable application fee.
3. Send transcripts and test scores
Have official copies of all high school transcripts sent to:
Elizabeth City State University
Office of Admissions and Recruitment
120 Marion D. Thorpe Sr. Administration Building
1704 Weeksville Rd.
Campus Box 901
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Test scores can be sent using the following school codes:
ACT: 3095
College Board/SAT: 5629
4. Create an Admissions Portal account
We will send you an email with a verification link to create your Viking Admissions Portal account. You can use this to follow the status of your application and, if accepted, confirm your enrollment at ECSU.
According to the criteria established by the Department of Public Instruction and the Department of Education, students must complete the following for program eligibility
- meet regularly with assigned advisor;
- complete an application to the Educator Preparation Program;
- complete a criminal background check with certified and have a satisfactory record;
- completed 15 hours of classroom field experience
- undergraduate GPA of at least 2.80;
- complete interview process;
- acceptable writing sample; and
- *satisfy Praxis Core
*Licensure Only candidates are not required to take Praxis Core. Each student who applies for admission to the Educator Preparation Program will be given written notification regarding admission or denial. A student is not considered admitted to the Educator Preparation Program until such notification is provided.
Students must apply for North Carolina teaching license or renewal using the North Carolina online licensing system. Students must submit the following:
- An official transcript (including degree awarded date)
- Certification of Teacher Capacity Form
- Praxis II or NCTEL (NCTEL-Elementary & Special Education programs only)
TeachNC, in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), BEST NC and TEACH, was created to assist anyone considering teaching in North Carolina.
AAHPERD, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
AASA, American Association of School Administrators
AASL, American Association of School Librarians
ACEI, Association for Childhood Education International
ACTFL, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
AECT, Association for Educational Communications and Technology
AERA, American Educational Research Association
AESA, Association of Educational Service Agencies
AFT, American Federation of Teachers
ALAS, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents
AMLE, Association for Middle Level Education
ASBO, Association of School Business Officers International
ASCD, Learn, Teach, Lead
ASCA, American School Counselor Association
ASIS International, Advancing Security Worldwide
CEC, Council for Exceptional Children
CEFPI, Council of Educational Facilities Planners International
CoSN, Council for School Networking
FETC, Florida Educational Technology Conference
InfoComm, Information Communications Marketplace
IRA, International Reading Association
ISTE, International Society for Technology in Education
NAEA, National Art Education Association
NAESP, National Association of Elementary School Principals
NAEYC, National Association for the Education of Young Children
NAfME, National Association for Music Education
NAGC, National Association for Gifted Children
NASSP, National Association of Secondary School Principals
NBEA, National Business Education Association
NCSS, National Council for the Social Studies
NCTE, National Council of Teachers of English
NCTM, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
NEA, National Education Association
NSBA, National School Boards Association
NSTA, National Science Teachers Association
PTA, National Parent Teachers Association
SETDA, State Educational Technology Directors Association
TCEA, Texas Computer Education Association
USDLA, United States Distance Learning AssociationCAEP Accountability Measures
Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness (Initial R4.1)
EVAAS Results for Traditional and Alternative Completers 2022-2023
NCDPI dashboard reports the performance of beginning teachers from EPPs in terms of impact on student growth. This is measured by NC's EVAAS (Education Value-Added Assessment) system. Teachers receive one of three ratings based on the degree to which their students meet their growth target on standardized tests. The ratings include "Does Not Meet Expected Growth", "Meets Expected Growth", or "Exceeds Expected Growth."
Teaching Performance
The NCDPI Dashboard covers the teaching performance of beginning teachers. Teacher performance is measured using the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES).
Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (R4.2|R5.3|RA4.1)
Workbook: EPP Initial Employment and Retention (
Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Completion (R3.3|RA3.4)
Initial Licences - Candidates Receiving Initial Teaching Licenses
Workbook: EPP Initial Licenses (
Licensure Exams [2021 - 2024] - Pass rates on license based on first, best, and all attempts
Workbook: EPP License Exam Pass Rates (
Initial Employment [Year 2020 - 2021] - Candidates employed within 3 years
Workbook: EPP Initial Employment (
Measure 4: Initial and Advanced - Ability of completers to be hired in positions for which they have prepared
Educator Preparation Program Performance Reports provide narrative responses of overview and approach to educator preparation.
ECSU IHE Bachelor Performance Report - Workbook: EPP Program Details (
ECSU IHE Masters Performance Report - Workbook: EPP Program Details (
ECSU IHE Masters of School Administration Reports - Workbook: EPP Program Details (
Licensure Area/Program Alignment
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Abbreviations | Licensure Group | EPP Program |
Elementary Education |
Elementary Education K-6 |
Secondary Education |
Comprehensive Science |
English |
History |
Math |
Music |
Dr. Shelia Williams
Associate Professor, Education
243 Gilchrist Complex
Campus Box 856
We're here to help
We’re here to support you throughout your time at ECSU–starting now. For more info on the admissions process, reach out to us directly.